Oferta client - Model - Oferta client reducere2
Revision as of 14:56, 10 April 2019 by Andrei Iordache (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Documente sistem **Oferta client ***Model - Oferta client reducere2 Modelul de document tine cont de setarea 390 File:OfertaClientReducere.jpg ===Campuri=== ;R...")
- Documente sistem
- Oferta client
- Model - Oferta client reducere2
- Oferta client
Modelul de document tine cont de setarea 390
- RowNumber
- OfferNumber
- OfferDate
- OfferExpirationDate
- Customer
- ModPlata
- OfferRemarks1
- OfferRemarks2
- Explicatii1
- Explicatii2
- ExplicatiiTVA
- Product
- Product2
- ProductFaraCod
- UM
- OfferQuantity
- OfferPriceCurrency
- OfferPriceCurrencyRedus
- Reducere
- ValoareOferta
- OfferCurrency
- OfferDiscount
- OfferFee
- DeliveryType
- OfferPositionsExplanation1
- OfferPositionsExplanation2
- ORDERQuantity
- OrderPrice
- OrderCurrency
- OrderPositionsExplanation1
- OrderPositionsExplanation2
- ContractNumber
- DateOfContract
- Prodimage
- Total
- Supplier
- InAtentia
- InAtentia2
- Fax
- telefon
- ProductCode
- ProductDescription
- ProductDelivery
- ObservatiiTipDoc
- ContactSupplier
- FaxSupplier
- TelefonSupplier
- MobilSupplier
- EmailSupplier
- Functia
- Antet
- Footer
- PozaBool
- CantitateComanda
- Stare
- NumarCerere
- DataCerere
- Poza
- ValutaID
- TipDoc
- Moddeplata
- Adresalivrare
- Cont_Furnizor
- valutalistaid
- cursvalutarlista
- CursPozitii
- ProductFaraBrand
- ProductFaraCodFaraBrand
- DenumireProdusFaraCod
- afisare denumire produs care nu tine cont de setarea 391
- Product4
- nu tine cont de conditia de DenumireProdusAfisare care exista pe campul Product1